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CCERPA 定期举办马体验一日活动并在每月的第一个星期六定期有为初次骑乘定制的马术体验课程

Riding Lessons

at Your Own Stable

Registered CCERPA 


Training & Coaching


CCERPA selects top riding academies all over GTA with professional certified trainers can coach you and your horse at any level. We supply free consultation and free VIP Green Channel lesson arrangement to accommodate you to your best needs for CCERPA Registered Subscribers. 


Anything is possible depending how much time you are willing to spend in the saddle.

Winston Churchill once said " No hour is lost in the saddle"



CCERPA Subscriber will have free consultation and free VIP Green Channel lesson arrangement to accommodate you to your best needs. 

Conntact us for arrangements.

Upcoming Events



马术运动不但是一项健康的运动,应该也是唯一一项与动物-高贵的马一起共同配合完成的运动。英雄豪杰,梦中情人都与马有着不解之缘。 历史悠久的马术运动从古至今流行于皇宫贵族也是当今时尚人士的最爱。知名奢饰品牌爱马仕,拉夫·劳伦及浪琴表都和马术运动有着千丝万缕的联系。集加拿大华人商业精英的名人名商俱乐部再次携手加中马术,赛马及马球协会共同诚邀成功的您来和我们一起体验马术运动和加拿大特有的马术生活方式。


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Featured Coaches

Elder Equestrian

Elder Equestrian roots go back to 1872, with the establishment of the Robert Elder Carriage Works Limited in Toronto, Canada.  Our 142 year history experience with horses from carriages, steeplechasing, racing, eventing, dressage, polo to show jumping. These benefits of decades of international equestrian experience can be available to you. Today, Chad Elder, James Elder Jr. & Jake Elder can pass on some of  secrets and experiences that have delivered winning combinations of horse and rider no matter what level. We are pleased to offer lessons for those who have their own horse and want to improve their competitive showjumping skills to win. You can book a bespoke mini clinic for you and your horse at your home stable.

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